Gallon to Liter Conversion
This Calculator converts US Gallons to Litres
1 gal = 3.785 L
2 = 7.571
3 = 11.356
4 = 15.142
5 = 18.927
6 = 22.712
7 = 26.498
8 = 30.283
9 = 34.069
10 = 37.854
30 = 113.562
40 = 151.416
50 = 189.271
60 = 227.125
70 = 264.979
80 = 302.833
90 = 340.687
100 = 378.541
1000 = 3785.412
2 = 0.528
3 = 0.793
4 = 1.057
5 = 1.321
6 = 1.585
7 = 1.849
8 = 2.113
9 = 2.378
10 = 2.642 20 L = 5.283 gal
30 = 7.925
40 = 10.567
50 = 13.209
60 = 15.85
70 = 18.492
80 = 21.134
90 = 23.775
100 = 26.417
1000 = 264.172
1 gallon (gal) = 3.785411784 litres (L) = 231 cubic inches = 4 qt = 128 fl oz
U.S. liquid gallon is defined as 231 cubic inches and is equal to 3.785411784 litres or about 0.13368 cubic feet. A liter) is defined as one cubic decimetre (1 L = 1 cubic dm). Hence 1 L = 0.001 cubic m. The word "litre" came from an older French unit, the litron, the name came from Greek via Latin. The metric system used litre as a volume unit.